The CQ Case Study Methodology
('Case Method')

Exam-focused and case study method teaching are deeply rooted in The CharterQuest Institute mission. We apply it across all learning programmes especially in our Full-time Youth Leadership Academy (FYLA). Our case study methodology uses decision-focused real life African business cases (or the case material provided by the examining body) to place our students in a position to empathise with decision makers ("the protagonists"), who at present or sometime in the past were faced with difficult multi-dimensional decisions. These decisions would typically involve significant threats, weaknesses and opportunities that create a context for significant organisational change. Embedded in these issues are ethical dilemmas typically involving compelling individuals and powerful stakeholders that need to be pro-actively managed. 


Our case study methodolody integrates all the subjects taught individually to create the context in which future global business leaders are formed: real-life challenges, wrapped in complicated business scenarios with often varied and ambiguous data. Each challenge confronts our young business leaders with a rich mix of high impact business consequences and calls for a prompt, responsible and well justified action plan that instills the mindset and courage to act decisively in crisis and under uncertainty.

Through our case  study methodology, every student working as part of a team and/or classroom setting becomes an active participant in contributing to individual and shared success as they jointly and severally, not only learn how to pass case study exams but also exercise the leadership fundamentals and responsibilities that create the lifetime foundation for their career in business and leadership. It's one thing to teach students how to perform a specific technique, such as a decision-tree but it's quite another to teach them when and why one is required to be applied and how to do so—or even when its conclusions should be relegated altogether. Leaders must be skilled at decision-making especially under time-pressured circumstances -which is what our case study methodology seeks to inculcate in our young business leaders of tomorrow. We use the case study method to teach how to exercise superb rounded judgment, not mere application of skills. Judgment, based on sound analysis rooted in what we have developed to serve as an integral part of our case study methodology :  FISA -Facts, Inferences, Speculation and Assumptions. Judgment that can be articulately communicated to a senior manager, OPCO, EXCO or Board of Directors and a stance taken in the face of multiple contending stances that can all be meaningfully justified looking at the same set of facts, yet some of the stances are far more viable than others for reasons intricately connected to the rules of FISA.

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