Francis Musonda

Associate of CIMA, ACMA, CGMA

Fran­cis is an Asso­ciate of CIMA, ACMA, CGMA. He has worked in the Insur­ance indus­try in Zam­bia and for the First Rand Bank­ing Group, Wes­bank, as a Finan­cial Con­sul­tant for 5 years. He worked for The Envi­ron­men­tal Jus­tice Net­work­ing Forum as Finance & Admin­is­tra­tive Man­ager for 3 years as well as Man­age­ment Con­sul­tant for a vari­ety of asso­ci­a­tions in South Africa, Botswana and Zam­bia in the past 5 years. He lec­tures part-​time for Damelin, Mil­park Busi­ness School and Char­terQuest Finan­cial Train­ing Insti­tute and is a part-​time qual­i­fied exter­nal exam­iner, asses­sor and mod­er­a­tor. He cur­rently is Con­sult­ing Part­ner at Boaz Con­sult­ing, a spe­cial­ist account­ing and tax firm, in Johannesburg.