About ICB & Qualifications

The Insti­tute of Cer­ti­fied Book­keep­ers has been around since 1931. Its role is to improve and main­tain the qual­ity, cred­i­bil­ity and rep­u­ta­tion of book­keep­ing, account­ing, office admin­is­tra­tion and finan­cial man­age­ment train­ing and qual­i­fi­ca­tions in South­ern Africa.

The ICB is a QAP (Quality Assurance Partner) of the QCTO. All ICB qualifications are FASSET certificated.

ICB grad­u­ates are recog­nised world­wide by the Inter­na­tional Asso­ci­a­tion of Book­keep­ers, the South­ern African Insti­tute of Busi­ness Accoun­tants, the South African Insti­tute of Tax Prac­ti­tion­ers, the Asso­ci­a­tion of Char­tered Cer­ti­fied Accoun­tants (ACCA) and the Char­tered Insti­tute of Man­age­ment Accoun­tants (CIMA).

If you grad­u­ate through the ICB’s Account­ing Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Pro­gramme (ACP) you can study fur­ther to become a char­tered cer­ti­fied accoun­tant, through the ACCA or become a man­age­ment accoun­tant through the CIMA.


The ICB qual­i­fi­ca­tions are offered through accred­ited train­ing providers which include:

  • National Cer­tifi­cate Book­keep­ing (NQF 3)
  • Fur­ther Edu­ca­tion and Train­ing Cer­tifi­cate Book­keep­ing (NQF 4)
  • National Diploma Tech­ni­cal Finan­cial Account­ing (NQF 5)
  • National Diploma Finan­cial Account­ing (NQF 6)
  • National Cer­tifi­cate Small Busi­ness Finan­cial Man­age­ment (NQF 4)
  • Cer­tifi­cate Office Admin­is­tra­tion (NQF 5)
  • Higher Cer­tifi­cate Office Admin­is­tra­tion (NQF 5)
  • Diploma Office Admin­is­tra­tion (NQF 6)

For more infor­ma­tion on the ICB and Qualifications listed above, please go to their web­site at www​.icb​.org​.za

  Tap left for how to study your ICB with us.

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