Jade August


Jade qual­i­fied as an Attor­ney in 2005, qual­i­fied as a Con­veyancer in 2009 and qual­i­fied as a Notary in 2010. She is cur­rently com­plet­ing a mas­ters degree (LLM) in Inter­na­tional Law, at the Uni­ver­sity of Johan­nes­burg. She lec­tured Indus­trial Leg­is­la­tion part time at the Uni­ver­sity of Wit­wa­ter­srand. She prac­tised as an attor­ney for 3 years, was involved in inter­na­tional tax con­sult­ing for 2 years and recently trained Judges, Mag­is­trates and Attor­neys to do legal research.