About ACT & Qualifications

CertITM Course Information

Course Overview

The Cer­tifi­cate in Inter­na­tional Trea­sury Man­age­ment (Cer­tITM) intro­duces the lan­guage and core tech­ni­cal con­cepts of trea­sury, inte­grat­ing them in a way that is rel­e­vant and portable between roles, organ­i­sa­tions and loca­tions world­wide. It deliv­ers com­pre­hen­sive trea­sury man­age­ment knowl­edge and skills with an inter­na­tional per­spec­tive that you can put to imme­di­ate use.

Why CertITM?

Cer­tITM is a time and cost effi­cient way to ensure you can demon­strate and apply a prac­ti­cal under­stand­ing of inter­na­tional trea­sury, its lan­guage, prin­ci­ples and tech­niques. You’ll gain the skills and con­fi­dence to actively con­tribute to the finan­cial decision-​making process of your organisation.

For more infor­ma­tion on study units please down­load the Factsheet-​CertITM

Who should take this qualification?

Cer­tITM is rel­e­vant to any­one who needs a core under­stand­ing of trea­sury in either a cor­po­rate or finan­cial insti­tu­tion. It is aimed at both cor­po­rate staff work­ing within the trea­sury, risk and cor­po­rate finance areas and bankers deal­ing with cor­po­rate lend­ing and other ser­vices where there is a need to under­stand the wider issues dealt with by cor­po­rate financiers, risk man­agers and treasurers.

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